Are you seeking for a front door that is both secure and fire resistant? In London, Surrey, Sussex, and other parts of the South of England, you can choose Your Price Windows for fire doors! Dual-Certified FD30 composite fire doors from Hallmark Doors & Panels Ltd. are supplied and installed by us!

We have seen an uptick in homes opting for a better, more fireproof front door in recent years. To give you the security and comfort you require, we have partnered with Hallmark. You don’t simply have to take our word for how good these doors are because they are backed by the Secured by Design programme of the police and have third-party accreditation.

These doors are highly sought after because of their dual certification, which shows that they satisfy both PAS:24 security standards and strict criteria for fire safety. To make sure they are up to par, these fire doors are audited and examined outside.

Winkhaus Fireframe is utilised by these doors. A detailed analysis of the market revealed that FD30 & FD60 doors required a workable substitute for Hardwood and PVCu outer frames that could bring down the cost of materials, streamline production, and reduce labour expenses. Additionally, it is a perfect match for the commonly used Winkhaus AV2 multipoint locking system. furthermore provides the blue Matic AV2-E as a substitute.

Key Advantages:

Elite Performance

Unmatched thermal performance can be provided by these doors for your house. The fire doors we sell and install help reduce the cost of heating your home because of their exceptional design and high-quality materials.

How? It’s very straightforward.

Less heat can leave your home through the front entrance since it is more thermally retentive. This implies that using less energy to heat your home will be beneficial.

Highly Secure

The fireproof doors from Your Price Windows will increase the security of your home, so you can breathe easy. If a home is not safe, it cannot be a home. The most recent PAS:24 regulations support these doors.

Additionally, these doors follow the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Housing Communities & Local Government.

Completely Weatherproof

These composite doors are completely waterproof, unlike old worn-out front doors. When you enter your home, you may leave the terrible weather at the door.

These doors’ quality materials make them not only waterproof but also fireproof.